Valérie de Montmollin and her musicians cordially invite you to a festive, flamboyant and leisurely tour d’horizon. Embrace this journey of song as she delivers poignant renditions of popular and well-known chansons from her extensive repertoire with her inimitable charm and vivaciousness to help you forget the inclement, fogginess of November. Join us to experience an unforgettable celebration brimming with elation and delight.
Event with flying dinner (9 courses), excluding beverages, CHF 110.—


Fr 11.11.2022 19h
Live Performance Chansons Valérie & Musicians
Resident Zürich, Dufourstrasse 43 (Eingang), 8008 Zürich, 044 545 22 33,
Event & flying dinner (9-course menu) CHF 110, exclusive drinks

Resilient Studios – Coworking Space, Meetingräume & Events im Seefeld

Tickets für Events, Parties, Festivals, Konzerte und Theater | – Jetzt Tickets sichern!

Valérie de Montmollin and her musicians cordially invite you to a festive, flamboyant and leisurely tour d’horizon. Embrace this journey of song as she delivers poignant renditions of popular and well-known chansons from her extensive repertoire with her inimitable charm and vivaciousness to help you forget the inclement, fogginess of November. Join us to experience an unforgettable celebration brimming with elation and delight.
Event with flying dinner (9 courses), excluding beverages, CHF 110.—

Get your ticket here